Directed by Caroline FitzGerald
Next Performances: Monday 14 September – Sat 26th at 8pm – Dolmen Theatre, Cabinteely
Booking 087-1018202
The Easi-Slim diet clinic in Clones town hall has just signed up a new member. Upwardly mobile Pam McGowan (Isobel Mahon) has cruised into town in her soft top sports car. Pam has reached her target weight and has only signed up to maintain and brag about the four stone she’s lost. Breda (Rose Henderson) has been attending meetings for quite some time but just can’t manage to reduce her waistline until Pam comes along and whips her into shape.
Breda becomes a disciple of the high-priestess of low carbs and is bowled over by just how fabulous Pam really is. The jet-set lifestyle, perfect family and of course low calorie intake all point to the fact that Pam has a life every woman strives for. However, when Pam’s mask begins to slip, Breda is reminded that things aren’t always how they appear.
Irish Mail on Sunday June 8, 2014
It’s a pity every lunchtime show is not as infectiously enjoyable as Weighing In (Mill Theatre, Dundrum until June 14) **** a delightful look at hysteria of the weight-loss industry.
Isobel Mahon gives a superb comic performance to bring the manically obsessive Pam alive, while Rose Henderson’s Breda is a great foil, with her enthusiastic but more balanced approach, and finally shows the advantage of never losing the human touch.
This is an entertaining piece, that will leave a smile on your face, particularly if you have ever gone to any of these meetings, as you decide what to do for the rest of your evening, if not the thought that you have seen something totally new and different.
Weighting in is a fast-paced comedy about life, love and dieting and how we all need to adjust the scales to find the right balance.